Thursday, June 2, 2011

Some "Play-doh"

 Marinated by J. Urban Roberts Bauer

Know what is what is is what is
what is? What is is what is. Is is what is? Is is what what is.
What what is? What what is is what what is. Oh-so…
Is is what? No what is is. What is is. What is is?
Is is what. Is is is what? What is is is what. Get it?
No. what’s up?
Another word. 

Concept is Layman
No one understands.
and how could they?
No one holds with my hand
and why would they?
They are not I
and I are not they
Why should we be-switched
into the light of a rattling bulb?

Let learning be in turning of our
Elementary to a
Contemplative Community

Which will bring about utter maturity,
Less masculinity,
and Balance to turn the light on

Our luminosity
Will be our content
and we will be spent,
Now Equally

I’ve Stopped. But,
I’ve been in Struck—
To be—
Construct, Destruct, and re-Struck—
I’ve Stopped. But,
I can’t help it.

The Wiser Artist
The wiser artist is
A monk within us

With draw
I am experiencing withdraw.
Every thing I do has to be stepped on.
We are not careful. Too head—hearty
to think at all. O well. I am
experiencing a withdraw. A conclusion
to the movement of my pen.—
Ink the dream.
Pencil me in.

You are a projector
And the world
Is input upon you

Quietly Striping
Don’t look behind you
Somebody’s listening
Catching and fishing
For ideas—quietly striping
Away from you

all-in-all in all-in-all...
it's the future, it's the future, it's the future...

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