Sunday, January 30, 2011

Improvizational Art

Art is a desire, a vividly redundant pleasure to keep us entertained
everything is everything is every
thing is everything is everything
is everything is everything is
everything is everything is every
thing is everything is everything
is everything is everything is
everything is everything is every
thing is everything is everything


It is easier to ignore then to take interest. why conclude?

Cast away systemz
Cause we toy all wayz
Sayes, Please
Cause we are 
solid gold oldies

as ashamed as we is, we is awful good lookin, ain't we?
Pass the butter...
... did I st-st-stu-studder?
turn the ocean on
then we all go under anyway
and it was a big mistake
but we all just stood there anyway
i say, something's ganna save us
or we ganna be dead. 

For me, the art of eating out 
comes after dinner.
How do we get along?
It depends.

speak for herrself.