Monday, December 5, 2011

write now

How to conquer forgetfulness
pay attention
write things down
remember to
pay attention
write now.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

ARt work descrpit

My Art and Experience

1986 – 2010
Illiterate literature [glass, paint, and ink]:
I fell in love with letters and words, but I didn’t really have anything to say and I didn’t want to upset anybody, so I developed an intimate relationship with lines, dots, and circles… I then called this a form of expression to make it relative to something people are familiar with, hoping perhaps they would see something of themselves in my creation and respond with and abundance of beautiful green legal tender notes… they didn’t respond as planned so, in the end, what I didn’t destroy I gave to friends and family.

2010 – 2011
What Knot: An Exploration of Entanglement
Developed: Blown glass knots.
Explanation: They say “why tangle?” I say “why not tangle on!” The passing of a knot only brings a line… I say more, stay knot successful, otherwise… you will be bored.

2011 – Present
Big Boys drive Big Wheels [glass]:
This body of work alludes to the idea of being a professional kid. Asking questions like; “what is maturity, and how can this ever be defined?” I feel as if I am maturely using a mature medium to create something completely immature. To elaborate, how can anything ever be defined? Words are relative, and can never represent anything to anyone completely alike, so what do they do for us?! They create metaphors… which translate familiar feelings and similar patterns of behavior. Becoming an adult, to me, is like trying to figure out how to get people to pay me to be passionate at enjoying myself.

I graduated from Bowling Green State University in 2010 under the instruction of Scotty Darlington with a BFA in 3-dimensmional studies. Directly after graduating in the summer of 2010 I was on staff for one session as a member of the maintenance department at Pilchuck Glass School. I then came back to Ohio and mooched off my parents until I moved to Pittsburgh, PA to be a Tech apprentice at the Pittsburgh Glass Center. I just finished my yearlong apprenticeship and will undergoing an assistantship at the Chrysler Museum in Norfolk, VA come February for four months. Until then I will be in the west with friends, developing relationships and a better understanding of the city, Seattle.

To conclude I will state:

Is art not beautiful?
Beautiful is art not
Not beautiful is art
Art is not beautiful.

Thursday, November 24, 2011

The things I do

The things I do for you
make me feel like I need to be away from you

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Just Right, but Not Alright.

She's just orderly
not obsessive
not uptight
no where near
completely alright


Monday, November 14, 2011

> big deal

I had a plan
but likeness over took me
my arms stood up
and the earth shook me
I had a plan
but the frustration
hugged me deeply
I followed through
and now I am an enemy
I had a plan
but the likeness
unliked me.

growing age

cracks are like canyons in my hands
a darkness forever unseen
like deserts


Central Heating
window open
an energy transfer--
rain patter and automated heat
circulating in November
now I can sleep

Monday, October 31, 2011


Are we? I often assume, but in some sensation, I was still... and I sometimes ask, why we are not? No one has the answer, an answer yes, but not the answer, no. I still do, because I still move. I often am here too, I will move. My morals aren’t quite, but the assumption is right. I know we have something to give, but in taking something, we are left to live. So God helps us, and give us his. We are the correction of this, so I’ve come to conceal my life’s identity as his. My armor, my soul, my life is letting go. And from now on, I will remember the night I left, and why I miss this.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

another chain poem

to plan to plan to plan to
two plan to plan to plan too
plan to plan, who?

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Kindness is not Kind

Everything has an opposite and a grouping of opposites, which, with-in contain similes. Everything has a simile and a grouping of similes, which, with-in contain opposites. Much like magnetic polarity. All of these a-likes, and un-likes share sequence and fluctuation. No two things are completely alike, yet no two thinks completely differ. A part of us at any part of our being has been, and, and and/or will be apart of something else, possibly not of our being, but surly of something else. Therefore, we are all together, we are. We are in and out of emotion, to be neutral is pulling two (or more) dots together. Neutrality is perfection, but cannot exist due to unforeseen outside intent. We are not alone, to seclude is it die. To over accommodate is to be killed. Death becomes beauty, as does life, and living. Beauty is not aesthetic, beauty is attention. "Artists" construct beauty, but in doing so destroy, destruct a beauty in another beauty. Therefore creation is destruction, and destruction is creation... tragedy is beautiful. If we live, we destroy, because our body decays. Beauty is attention, but. In all honesty, we decay. We rise. We are dogs.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Aimless Flamboyant

Colorful, Aimless, Flamboyant; making decisions, decisions
why to choose?
a surface is taking over and over another, in a layer on a layer.
all in all we are all.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Completely Incomple

Completely Incomple
[a body of work by Urban Robert Bauer]

"imperfection is perfection and perfection is not perfect."

I believe art provokes, it rubs you and you respond. How you respond is not important, so long as you respond. Not everyone is ever going to like everything the same.

As humans we have a strong instinct to express ourselves. We express ourselves through our actions. This includes what we purchase. We must understand that the way we choose to express ourselves is in accordance to the things we associate with, not good, but familiar feelings. If "bad" feelings are familiar to us, we are going to, perhaps subconsciously, express and respect bad things. This body of work hovers between unfinished and finished (good and bad, right and wrong, beginning and end...), to make this point apparent I consciously tweaked certain things [in this body of work] to question the norm.

I want to go against the grain, I want to run my finger nails down a chalk board, because what it does to my body may not be comfortable, but it is interesting. I am bored with the expected, so I strive to be unpredictable. I wanted this body of art to not "seem right," because right is expected. Right is boring and not interesting, because it is familiar. I say change it up, do something different before you despise everything besides the few things you think you know.

This body, or art presses on the idea that what we would consider to be ugly, unfinished, wrong, or ignorant are in fact good things. Innovation is a derivative of mistakes, or embracing the unexpected error. Art is practice, practice is experimentation, experimentation is flux, conclusions are plateaus. Therefore, I believe to conclude is to level out, stop moving, or to die. Life is not all healthy and good, I needed to embrace that, therefore this body of work's conclusion is the conscious choice to be inconclusiv. So long as I am alive a conclusion cannot exist.

A tip from the artist: Hang this work crooked.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Still Okay

I'm just another idiot trying to afford self expression. Giving excuse to why everyone should listen, but I'm just another idiot trying with no intention. Unaware, selfish, ignorant, and in sub-constant despair. I'm just another selfish idiot thinking about number one; putting myself in the foreground, far ahead of everyone. Still I'm just a selfish ignorant asshole, pleading with self worth, typing tens of millions of worthless words, mixing them together, and making them my work. I am worthless. I am a pothole in humanity, popping tires of the sleep deprived working class. I am just another dumb ass motherfucker trying to hover above whatever comes around me. I am just another ignorant dumb ass fucker screaming sanity to a deaf grandmother trying to catch a bus. I wish I had some other way, but the profits aren't as great, and so long as you're listening... I'm still okay.

on the internet

what I do on the internet aint no fun
I always find myself writing something about someone
who, of which, I haven't no idea, but
in all honestly I think it might be Sophia
I don't stress about what she is
I just let the words keep typing themselves in,
never would I give it a plan or understanding
cause as soon as I become attached to her, I loose what I was sayin.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

we knot

never be timid of cold showers

You presented how to
I present how not.


we beef

we knot
 we are knot

Sunday, September 11, 2011

just nothing.

Just Nothing

a just nothing
nothing a just
as just nothings
nothings as just
a just nothings
as nothings a just
a just nothings
as nothings adjust

The Poet

All of the sudden there was a note
in-script it taught
only visible
All of the sudden there was a note
in-tune to a key that turned a lock
All of the sudden there was knock
to the massive suddenly of a soundly note
giving off remittance of  another door's code
to the one, only, please pass the poet.

Monday, September 5, 2011


When life gives you traffic
close your eyes and cross the road.

Friday, September 2, 2011

Over Seas

People! O, my people. Where are we now? How can we survive in this dismal crowd. People, oh-my people, how are we now? Where will we go when we are here now? I am a survivor, the right hand of a lefty, hanging patiently, waiting to be forth-putting. I am a back, out of your vision and out of my own contact. I am lonely, but I hold myself up and pray that one day someone will know me. Vision, eye, see. Nothing behind me as the same in front of me I am still like a tree. I feel we strive to be, but we are mistaken, because first we strive. We need to let be. I am a good company, slap a sticker on me and send me over seas.